Are you in the right place? Probably not.

In 1942, Albert Einstein was teaching at Oxford University.
One morning he assigned a physics test to the final year students.
Then in the afternoon, while he was walking around the campus with his assistant, he suddenly looked at him and said:
"Dr. Einsten, isn't the exam you just gave final year physics students the exact same exam you gave in the same class last year?"
"Yes, yes" - Albert Einsten said - "it's exactly the same."
"But, Doctor Einsten, how is this possible?" - said the assistant "Well..." - Einsten said - "the answers have changed."

The answers have changed.
And if this was true in 1942, it is, even more so, today.
We live in a world where the questions may be the same, but the answers are constantly changing.

Do you want to know how the story continues? Watch this video.

With this in mind, try to consider the possibility that there are better ways to evolve your business. Safer ways to make the most of your opportunities. Faster and predictable roads to provide a better experience for you and the people around you.

Not always the one that uses "all people" is the best way to reach a predetermined goal. The result must be built through a strategy, through a process that will be influenced from your character, from your ability to interact, from your resilience to obstacles.

We live in a world where the questions may be the same, but the answers are constantly changing.

Each result must be built through a strategy that is renewed over time and through a process that will be influenced by your character, your ability to interact, from your resilience to obstacles.

If the achievement of a goal depends on such subjective characteristics it is probable, furthermore, that the way that is good for many does not fit your way of seeing and doing things.
So, also consider the possibility that to tailor a road to your needs you may even go so far as to overturn it.

"How can you always choose the most effective way forward?"
"How can you be sure you are making the most of every situation?"
"Is there a trick?"
"Have you studied [name of any theory they have heard of]?

Many have inspired the deductions I have come up with and...
Yes, the "trick" is there... if we really want to call it that.
And it's a trick people tend not to see (yeah, otherwise what trick would that be?).
And if they see it they cannot fully understand it.
And not understanding they try to describe it in the most disparate ways...

  • "You are a genius..."
  • "You are the smartest person I've ever met..."
  • "You are a wizard..."

Or they just admit their difficulties and ask, "But how do you do that?"

The most important thing I've discovered over the years is that this "trick" can be learned.

Mastering this "modus operandi" will give you a cognitive advantage and a decision-making ability out of the ordinary.

Start imagining what a wonderful thing if, instead of thinking about hours or days about a situation you could just guess the best choice to make.

Now imagine that this intuition of yours is not the result of some "suggestion" or "inspiration" of an esoteric nature, but it derives from a whole series of arguments that you did extremely quickly.

Now imagine how others would see you while you give an answer that is not only immediate but also decisive to a problem that is, or seems, extremely difficult for them.

For example, I described a person who solves the Rubik's cube in 8 seconds in front of spectators, or a person who gives in mind the result of a division between two large numbers.
Or someone who, with a simple sentence, gives you the inspiration for an entire marketing campaign.
They are people who have found it easy to develop their talent and have done it.
But consider that, if they hadn't trained to develop it over time, talent alone would not have been enough.

In general, there will always be things that you will succeed easily and others that are more difficult. Either way, commitment and perseverance will make the difference.

Having fixed this point, I go back to defining "the trick" more accurately, because, in this initial phase, it is important to work on words to create a common basis of language.
I'll get help from my classical studies...

Philosophers, starting with Kant, have begun to investigate the nature of intuition.
The concept inherent in this term has evolved over time until "nowadays" where Carl Gustav Jung came to formulate this definition:
"intuition is a process of intervention of the unconscious with which the mind is able to perceive the models of reality hidden behind the facts."

I "guess" why Jung defined it this way.
When you present a theory you are forced to write it in the way that most can understand it and at the same time time you leave out of the definition a "small open space", something that the reader himself can recognize from his experience.
Being too didiscalic in describing an event or experience prevents those who read it from reliving it or reinterpreting it in their own way.
And if he cannot relive it, he will have more resistance to understanding it.
An open variable is the door that any far-sighted person, when uttering something, tends not to close with a precise definition.

I evolve Jung's concept by intervening precisely on the part "left open to interpretation by the reader", on the word "unconscious".
Simplifying a little, according to my reflections, I can affirm that the unconscious it is an extremely fast conscious process of your brain.
That's all. No mystery.
You can practically see the unconscious as the fast part of your conscious processes.
It is you, with all your experience, but only faster.
So fast that often you do not even become aware that there has been a brain process.
So quick that sometimes you explain it with the word "intuition" and at other times with "I am like that".
I'll add you a piece.
In fact, at this point, it is easy to understand what instinct is.
You just have to add the word "scheduled".
Instinct is a previously programmed unconscious process..

I know I open up a world and thousands of questions need to be answered.
It's natural. I made them too, and I spent years looking for a solution.
These few and simple words are the result of an infinite series of reflections and dialectical failures that I have led to define an entire philosophy of human behavior.
I don't know if there is space and a way to explain how I arrived at certain conclusions in this venue, But I can promise you one thing: if you continue to read and understand the fundamentals that I will describe to you, you will be able to give her the answers to all these questions yourself After all, you don't need to understand a tool to be able to use it well: there are those who have written masterpieces without knowing how or why his typewriter or computer worked.

Closed this parenthesis, I return to give a more accurate definition of the word "intuition".

Intuition is a series of broad considerations that allow you to analyze a situation from different points of view and to evaluate which is the best possible choice to make in the examined context.

All in a few moments...
Sometimes immediately.
Sometimes after days, maybe while you were thinking about other things.

I'll make some deductions now that may seem obvious to you.
The considerations made in an intuitive way can also be accomplished through a longer reasoning.
In both these ways, intuitive and reasoned, the same conclusion can be reached From here you can easily deduce that, with the same point of arrival, the advantage of an intuition is not just that to save you time and energy.
In fact, insights can also come in series and will allow you to evaluate multiple things at the same time one person remains committed to evaluating only one.

By training your reasoned processes you can speed them up to the point of turning them into insights.
You need to start understanding your analytics processes and questioning them when they lead you nowhere.
You must learn to study your reactions.
You must study why a deeper reasoning leads you to a better analysis today.

You must redefine your evolutionary goal.
You must learn to make some of your conscious processes unconscious.
Only in this way will you be able to evaluate complex situations in a few moments, analyzing facts, imagining consequences and creating relationships that will lead you to identify an effective solution scheme.

I start from the end, from the finish line to be crossed, from the goal to be achieved and its cost.
Learn to ask yourself better questions to fully understand a situation.

The cost of this process?
Your commitment for the time needed.

Where to start?
I would say we can both agree that "Why?" is the simplest question to start from.
In fact, it's probably the question your brain "asked" itself even before it was able to say the first word.

"Why" is the key question.
It is the cornerstone of our cognitive evolution.
Answering the "whys" is the process that has made us progress in our history.

There's good news right away.
Learning to ask yourself why things are not needed. You already know.
Keeping on asking yourself why even on answers you have already given is your first step to take.

As time goes by, this is one of those qualities that you will tend to exploit less and less.
In fact, you will often learn to rely on experience without considering context changes as influential.

The most striking example is the taste. As a child, you learned to appreciate certain foods and not want some of them. Then, when you grow up, perhaps tasting by chance, a dish that you did not like before suddenly begins to like you.
Why does it happen? Yet the food is the same.
And if the food is the same, then it was you or the context in which you are eating it that changed.
I will be able to explain to you what I mean by this term, for now imagine that, at times, a particular situation can favor certain conclusions.
For example, "a cold pizza and a hot beer" may taste better if "who" you are eating them with is more important than "what" you are eating.

Being aware of your changes or contextual variations will lead you to better evaluate whether or not to use your experience.
Analyzing the same situations more and more in depth will help you to increase your experiential baggage.
By analyzing situations with increasingly accurate tools you will be able to more easily spot a pattern.

Once the pattern is identified, your experience will match all other similar patterns previously solved giving you a variety of options.
The amount of options available will help you in your choices and will quickly lead you to a solution strategy for the examined context.

The most important thing to consider is that experience will often lead you to evolve your answers and hardly ever your questions.
Over time, this is one of the mistakes that has certainly contributed to slowing down your growth.
In fact, the key, as I said, is learning to ask better questions.
At this point, getting better answers will only be a consequence and no longer the goal to be achieved.

So keep in mind that in your evolution, if you want to improve cognitive perception, you have to evolve the questions trying to keep the answers simple.

You will learn to thoroughly analyze a situation with tools that you are probably not aware of yet.
You will improve your cognitive perception through exercises that will train your mind to quickly carry out long and extremely analytical processes.
You will be able to ask yourself questions that will simplify the answers and lead to decisive solutions.

Now... to paraphrase a famous choice:
"Blue pill, close the page and ends the story: believe whatever you want to believe.
Red pill, turn the page, enter the wonderland and you will discover how deep is the hole of the white-rabbit."

What the caterpillar calls the end of everything, you call it a butterfly.

Your leap in quality is just one click away from you.

Learn to deal with any situation decisively

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