The Codex Mastro

Learn to deal with any situation decisively.

Consider the possibility that there are better ways to grow your business. Safer methods to make the most of your opportunities. Roads faster and predictable to offer a better experience to your customers either simply to the people around you.

Not always the one that uses "all people" is the best way to reach a predetermined goal. The result must be built through a strategy, through a process that will be influenced from your character, from your ability to interact, from your resilience to obstacles.

It is never a problem of capacity, if anything it is always just a problem of will.
It is a fact and convincing you of it will be your first goal.

You need to increase awareness of your strengths and limitations and thanks to this new self-awareness you will have the opportunity to speed up your cognitive processes extolling gifts you had forgotten to possess.

Finally you will have what it takes to win that game that you didn't even think you could play.

You will be at the center of your project and the first step depends only on you.

You have to walk in a street not accessible to everyone.
Forget the magic wand, rather roll up your sleeves and synchronize the neurons.

You must be totally collaborative, directable and a monster of execution. You must not have any prejudice towards strategic action and experimentation. You must have a strong ethos and a culture of work out of the ordinary. You must be responsible and reliable.

You'll have to work every day on what will be an integrated system performance improvement that will forever change the way you perceive e to face the problems present in your path.

A well-placed problem always has a solution.

The Codex Mastro is a collection of fundamental concepts that have helped me to increase my cognitive perception. They are not concepts to be taken as dogmas of faith, rather they are indications to find a new awareness in approaching problems.

Why do I use the word approach instead of solving?
Take a few moments before moving on.
The answer you will read is something that only time will help you metabolize:
"A problem always presents itself when we do not have a clear knowledge of it."

This consideration brings you quickly to the next question:
"How can I tell if I have a clear knowledge of the problem I am facing?"

Getting to ask yourself a question like this, it is a real test of humility.
Do not worry if this condition makes you uncomfortable, you do not have to show it in public.
In fact, right now, you're alone with yourself and you can easily put pride aside.

This is your first step in that introspective journey that will lead you to understanding the first fundamental concept of The Codex Mastro.


Learn to know the way you deal with a situation.

Recognize your perceptual limits, work around them and become fully aware of your cognitive ability on the situation you are facing.

Estimated reading time: about 4 minutes

Updated on 21/09/2021

The English translation of this section has yet to be revised.
The meaning of the words counts and I am not native English speaker.

Perception is essentially an emotional response, you see the world as you feel.

Starting from this concept it will seem obvious to you that your approach to the problem depends a lot how you feel at that moment.

I'm not telling you to have a cold approach.
I'm telling you that emotions will affect your perceptive abilities.
And I tell you, not to get rid of them, but to give you a decisive advantage.
If you take advantage of your emotions because you have learned to know when, how and why you try them, then no algorithm, no machine will ever face a problem better than you.

Experience limits your perception.

Before jumping on the chair (I myself would have a lot of objections to this statement) I invite you to think deeply on this concept. Everyone knows that it is thanks to the experience gained that you have more elements to understand a problem: an expert will always appreciate better a picture than a tourist who looks at it for the first time.

So how can the phrase you read above be explained?
Try to find reasons.
Analyze the words, question them, then justify them.
Take your eyes off the text and take a few minutes with your thoughts.

You have no idea how much I would like you to share your thoughts with me.
Dialectic challenge, between two open minds, is one of the most effective tools for growth.
Unfortunately, this is not possible here and I can only try to describe my thoughts to you.

As you have surely assumed, the problem is not in the experience.
If anything, it's the use you make of it to limit your perception.
Experience contributes to your growth.
Makes you reach a new level.
Then it ends.
After his contribution, you will need more experience to go up again.
The answers will change, as you already know.

Have you ever paused to analyze how experience affects your choices?

Your brain works mainly for "automatic associations".
The more you repeat one thing, the more, over time, it will be natural for you to do it.
If you experience the consequences of your choice, you will be able to decide faster what to do and what not.

I tell you this without too many words.
Your brain is happy when it doesn't have to think.
How to blame him?
From its point of view, it has so many things to evaluate that, if one of them can do it quickly, the brain does not waste time, it does immediately as it knows how to do and passes to the next.

I return to the previous example: what happens when an expert who has seen a painting 100 times do you see it again?
His brain will show him an endless list of thoughts already made about that work.
It will flood him with information and emotions already felt.
He will suggest that there are no questions to answer other than the other times.
He will do everything to convince him: he will even give him a small dose of Dopamine.

Are you aware of that bit of euphoria that takes you when you have the right intuition?
When you fit all the letters together and form the word that makes you win the game?
Here is the one.
That's the ace up your brain.
The ultimate card to play to keep you from thinking about things other than a chemical process judged not relevant.
This is how the brain, through experience, can transform our critic into a computer.
And for a machine, looking at that picture is like reading the Wikipedia page that describes it.

Pause. Take your time.
I just told you that your brain might not be the help you hoped to have in your choices.
Indeed the more you have experience, the more it will resist your desire to look for different solutions, to explore new paths.
Now you understand why, sometimes, the "last person arrived", with an idea completely out of line, finds a more effective solution compared to the expert?
The superficial ones explain it easily: "Even a broken clock marks the exact time twice a day".
But it is not so.
Now you are aware of it.

If yesterday's experience turns into a limit, it won't help you solve today's problem.

Take another minute, but without worrying too much because you are about to read the good news.
Obviously you can never pay close attention to everything you do.
It would be impossible.
The goal of these words is just to make you become aware of this process.
It's a huge step in your journey. Knowing "how it works" can only give you an advantage on your choices.
Such as? Start from a simple consideration.
How do you see that your brain is going into automatic mode?
Do you remember Dopamine? Exact. That bit of euphoria you'll always be able to feel.
It will be your alarm bell. A sort of (un)consciousness activator.
You "wake up", evaluate and you decide whether to delegate to cerebral automatism or whether to take the situation in hand.

This is enough to make sure you have made a conscious choice, making the most of your experiences.

Your brain will always have an automatic and emotional response to any question.
Now you are aware of it.
Use it to your advantage.


Learn to recognize all the features of the situation.

Carefully analyze the situation to understand every aspect of it.
Working around your perceptual limits you will discover a number of features whose management in the solution will be of fundamental importance.


Learn to develop a solution strategy.

Win the challenge with a synergy of individual tactics that go to solve every aspect of the situation you are facing.

Developing these concepts so that they are understandable to most people is a real challenge.
Language as well as any other form of communication (music, images, ...) is based on common experiences. A word that describes a concept could acquire a different meaning depending on who listens to it and how the person is doing it.
There is no simple solution.
The only way to go is to research carefully the vocables, continuing to ask you questions, investigating your conscious self until you reach the unconscious one. At this point you can begin to consciously reprogram your instincts.

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